Stand out from the crowd with a yellow shoulder bag. It will carry your essentials as all good bags do, but it does it with impact. At NA-KD, our yellow shoulder bags come in various styles to suit your needs. So, whether you're going to a bar for a drink or going to work, the yellow shoulder bag will show you're a woman of style.
Yellow is the colour of happiness. So, bring some joy into your life with one of our yellow shoulder bags. It will look great with most other colours, but will especially pop with primary colours red, green and blue to give you a look that says, 'pay attention world'! It's a sure way for a woman to get noticed.
Most women go for the classic, black, shoulder bag, or the practical, everyday, brown shoulder bag, but why be ordinary? Our yellow shoulder bags will bring a touch of fun to all your outfits no matter the season. Don't you think your keys, your phone and your make-up deserve to have a happier home?